Lyon to Bucharest

  1. Saint-Exupéry Airport has a train station of the same name as its hallway. Having never used it myself, I still love it to bits.
  2. Are you sure about your destination, Sir?
  3. Jet bridges are for sissies. It’s not easy to take plane’s pictures from them either.
  4. Good neighbour is dead neighbour Einstein on a box of Relatively strong mints. In case you assume I bought three seats, I did not. Pure lucky me.
  5. Gaining altitude.
  6. Fibonacci spiral.
  7. The Alps, sweet Alps. The Carpathians are still a long way to go.
  8. Almost there.
  9. Airport of Henri Coandă (Romanian aviation pioneer), aka Otopeni (nearby town), aka Bucharest (effectively).
  10. Still just a baby.
  11. Typical example of metropolitan eclecticism.
  12. No such thing as too much of a good logo!
  13. I would hesitantly agree with those calling it “little Paris” (sometimes), but Venice? Really?
  14. Romanian sequence. Invisible Fibonacci is crying in the elevator.