18/10/2024Each photo in the portfolio became an anchor link to itself.
14/10/2024Added the long-awaited professional portfolio in twelve genres to the photo page.
21/08/2024Side notes (always written in the language of the work they refer to) are now marked with the index en, fr, or ru, when the site language is different. For example, under the French translation L’Auteur, the English version of the site displays Side notesfr, while the French version shows simply Notes de marge. Similarly, the Russian audiobook Новая история is followed by Заметки на полях in the Russian version of the site and by Notes de margeru in the French version.
09/08/2024Appeared a cute autograph on the homepage. Hands remember.
01/08/2024Created the About subsection allowing to noticeably unload the homepage, on which mainly links and hedgehogs remained.
26/06/2024Published a poetic translation to Russian Я верю (Believer) about overcoming and becoming through pain. May this cup pass from you.
14/06/2024Published the first Russian audiobook Новая история by Arkady Averchenko. Its 24 chapters are packed into a convenient and elegant playlist, carefully processed with a CSS steel file for the sake of my favorite listeners. Gourmets will especially appreciate the now traditional side notes.
09/06/2024The “Hobbies” section has undergone a critical rethink, rearrangement and renaming to Books. Now Russian audiobooks (coming soon), poems and grammar live there.
27/10/2023Created the Travels section with its first photo story (about Romania). And there are about fifty more to come.
27/08/2023Came up with new curious side notes to some translations: Право быть собой, Психотерапия, До свиданья, команданте (in Russian), and L’Auteur (in French).
04/07/2023Created two photo subsections: For money and For love. The cases are different, after all.
11/05/2023Published a poetic translation from French to Russian Золотые руки (Le Bricoleur). To all my boyfriends who knew not by hearsay my “do(om)-it-yourself” concept.
31/03/2023Updated the homepage picture. After all, I’m now four years older and fourteen kilos lighter, one needs to point it out somehow.
23/01/2023Came up with curious side notes to some translations: Контрол-цэ, Фанни Ардан и я, За день до нас с тобой (in Russian), and La Guerre (in French). This is just a start.
13/10/2022Created the long-awaited Funny subsection. It’s the last hobby in Russian only, I promise.
30/09/2022Published a poem Запоздалое. To my Russian and Ukranian friends lost in the mad world.
27/09/2022Created the Hobbies section which only have two subsections so far (but also the promising names of the other six).
28/02/2022Published a poetic translation from Russian to French La Guerre (Война).
05/02/2022Published a poetic translation Психотерапия (Therapy). The performance itself, whether in Russian or English, gives a wonderful therapeutic effect, especially if you get it right on the first try.
31/08/2021Published a poetic translation from Russian to French L’Auteur (Автор). The original song may have been my school anthem if only it wasn’t for the fact that Monsieur Chebykin attended school about the same time I did.
15/04/2021Published a poetic translation from Russian to French Votre Majesté la Femme (Ваше величество Женщина) as my humble gift to the one and only Mistress of the Copper Mountain on the occasion of her birthday.
11/04/2021Cleaned and brushed up the section of translated songs. A link to every work is now complemented by a briefest clarification in parenthesis: original’s title and performer (or source if that’s more familiar). Got rid of the visual and informational garbage: tables, albums, years, etc. It’s an artistic site after all, not an accounting ledger.
24/05/2020Published a poetic translation Контрол-цэ (Pomme C). If you’re not that good at Russian, you can at least enjoy a mind-blowing computer/human wordplay of the original French lyrics. The DSL goddess alone worth it.
05/05/2020Created the very section you are currently looking through. From now on you can see the last update date in the footer of every page.
23/04/2020Moved the contact section from the first level to the home submenu. In time, new auxillary sections will populate it as well.
20/04/2020Created the section of translated songs in five language pairs. The original/verbatim switch was made using CSS only, if anyone’s interested; the common fields and tricky navigation forced me to grill JS. The section isn’t optimized for mobile devices yet as its content wasn’t meant for that.
06/06/2019A link to the parent section was added to the additional menu at the bottom, to complete the picture. The image frames and the menu separators became significantly paler (they aren’t that important, after all).
13/05/2019Each photo became an anchor link to itself, which is convenient if you want to show it without taking it out of context. Besides, now one can scroll any section by clicking on the next photo, as it moves to the top of the visible screen. Give it a try, you’re going to love it.
29/04/2019Set up the mobile version. In particular, you’ll see the names of photo subsections not after having hovered a cursor over them, but instantly, in case you use a finger as a cursor and have nothing to hover with.
25/03/2019Launched the new website. On the inside, there’re WordPress platform, Astra template, a handful of plugins and CSS archipelago. On the outside, one can find home, photo, contact, and some sweet things. Have you hovering over the logo already?
2013–2018The Dark Ages. A business card in bare HTML. Dreading to think back to it.